
Friday, 15 June 2012

Raise your self-esteem

Low selfesteem often arises from painful past experiences and failures.Pain and failure from the past is like a lens through which you view yourself and the world,and this often enough gives you a distorted view of reality.
If you want something new,you have to let go of the failure and pain from the past.This can be done effectively with various techniques.Many of these techniques help you in clearing mental blocks,negative emotions and painful memories.

Causes of low self-esteem Failure:

Past failure creates feelings of fear,sadness and blame.You must realise that you did the best you could at that point of time and also learn to forgive yourself.

Abandonment and rejection :

If there are memories of being abandoned or rejected,this creates a belief that you are not lovable.


If you blame yourself for hurting someone or if you behaved in a way that is not in accordance with your value system,guilt arises and this creates low self-esteem.

Friday, 8 June 2012


Hiccups is an annoying symptom but it usually lasts only for a few seconds or minutes. They usually can occur spontaneoulsy but more often are precipitated by some combination of eating, drinking or laughing. Most cases also resolve spontaneously, and do not require any treatment department unless prolonged or severe.

Hiccup is caused by a paroxysmal, involuntary action due to the spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm - a muscle that seperates the chest from the abdominal section of the body.

Hiccups are observed in a wide variety of animals and are very common in the fetus. A woman may experience increased hiccupping during pregnancy due to increased inhaling and exhaling of air and the physiological changes of compression of the abdominal contents that are associated with pregnancy.

Hiccups when persistent can interfere with daily routine of a person including eating and sleeping.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Find the Right Flour

Wholewheat has B vitamins;minerals such as potassium,zinc,magnesium,phosphorus and selenium;fibre;and proteins.But its glycaemic index is not among the besta fact that becomes important if you have diabetes.Wheat contains a protein called gluten,which can cause a reaction in the body.A severe form is coeliac disease in which intestines become bald,losing their absorptive capacity.A less severe form is gluten allergy,where a person develops skin rashes;the commonest form is gluten sensitivity.

Wheat allergy

These patients have symptoms of indigestion,migraines,general weakness,muscular and bone pains,and can develop schizophrenia.Gluten sensitivity is more in older people.It is precipitated by aspirin and anti-inflammatory painkillers.Gluten is also present in grains such as barley,rye and oats.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Healthy liver for a Healthy body

The liver plays apivotal role in overseeing bodily functions.Weighing 1.5kg,it stores minerals and vitamins and manufactures new proteins,besides producing bile,vital for fat digestion.It is responsible for breaking down therapeutic ingredients in medicine,so they can be quickly absorbed.It helps in blood clotting without which wed bleed to death.The liver has the unique ability to completely regenerate itself.From only 25% functionality,it can rebuild itself into a fully functional liver!

Seven healthy steps

The liver performs multiple tasks,so it is necessary to ensure that it remains in good working order.Here are some liver-healthy habits:

Eat Healthy:

A diet rich in magnesium,iron,and carbohydrates keeps the liver healthy and helps in detoxifying the body.Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Some Useful Health Tips

  • On catching cold smell half cut lemon, for running nose half cut onion and Inhale juice of Hara Dhania (Corinder leaves) in excessive sneezing.
  • To stop Hiccups inhale smoke of black pepper.
  • Hot milk is helpful in stopping Asthma Stroke.
  • For cracked heel/foot apply juice of mango leaves.
  • One spoon of honey thrice a day is helpful in curing depression.
  • Eating four tablespoons of plain curds helps prevent and cure mouth ulcer. The friendly bacteria present in curds fight off the mouth bacteria that causes mouth ulcer. So be sure that you follow this curd cure!
  • Stabilize your blood sugar by eating fiber from whole grains, beans, vegetables,  fruits & consider using a fiber supplement.
  • Stop smoking and avoid all sources of passive cigarette smoke exposure to reduce ear infection recurrences.

Friday, 1 June 2012

How Dangerous is Tobacco.

Tobacco use is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced.There are over 4,000 chemicals in a cigarette,40 of which are carcinogenic.Nicotine,tar,HCN,volatile aldehydes,and nitrosamines are some of the hazardous substances in tobacco smoke.The most effective preventive measure is to avoid use.Cancer killed 5,56,400 people in the country last year and it is alarming that India has more than 300 million smokers.Five million of them are children and at least 55,000 children take to tobacco every year.

Oral cancer

There are twice as many deaths as a result of oral cancerthanks to tobacco chewingcompared to lung cancer.Rural men are twice more likely to die from tobaccorelated cancers,compared to urban men in India.The top five or six cancers in men are all tobacco-related : that of the lung,oral cavity,larynx,oesophagus and pharynx.In women,types of cancer that occur due to tobacco use are cancers of the cervix,oral cavity,oesophagus and lung.Combining alcohol with cigarettes increases risk of oral cancer,and of cancer of the larynx and oesophagus.Tobacco products produce changes in all of the cells that are exposed.Thus,the entire oral cavity,lungs and larynx are at risk for developing tumours.This can be prevented by simple changes in lifestyle and regular screening.